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2022年1月17日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
【Career】Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre Recruitment
Career opportunities for our Alumni and Graduating Students 📌 Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre Recruitment is recruiting Health...

2022年1月3日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
【Career】Quality HealthCare Recruitment
Career opportunities for our Alumni and Graduating Students 📌 Quality HealthCare Medical Services Ltd is recruiting for 2 positions,...

2021年12月14日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
【Career】Liberal Studies & Health Management and Social Care (HMSC) Teacher Recruitment
Career opportunities for our Alumni and Graduating Students 📌 Liberal Studies & Health Management and Social Care (HMSC) Teacher...

2021年10月27日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
【Career】District Health Centre Express recruitment
Career Opportunity for our Graduates

2021年10月27日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
【Career】Project Concern Hong Kong recruitment
Career opportunities for our Alumni and Graduating Students
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